Meet Greg

Pet and animal photography expert. Author. Rescue animal and pit bull advocate

I make people smile and laugh for a living!

Find out how I got my start in animal photography and more about my approach to working with pets and animals of all kinds.

Private Pet Photography Sessions

Interested in a private pet photography session? Do you have any questions? Visit my pet portraits page for FAQs, pricing and more.

Dog & Cat Studio Portfolio

Meet the dogs and cats who make up some of my most memorable studio portraits

Lifestyle Pet Photography Portfolio

Check out some of my favorite on location and at home images here

Non-Traditional Pets & Wildlife Photography Portfolio

Rabbits, birds, porcupines, snakes, lizards, goats, owls and more. I love them all!

Pet and Animal Stock Photography Licensing

We have hundreds of studio and lifestyle pet and animal stock photos available for purchase and licensing.

Pet and Animal Commercial and Editorial Photography

Magazine cover shoot, product photography, story telling, we’ve got you covered.

“Gotcha Day!” The Book

Gotcha Day! spotlights the adoption tales of over 60 adorable rescue dogs and their new forever families. The unique personality of each pup shines through the candid photos by animal advocate and photographer Greg Murray, and their humans let us in on their inspiring stories, funny quirks, and all the many things that make them special.

Photography Studio Space

Discover our 1200 sqft photography studio space in the west end of Cleveland OH!

This is where we shoot many of our pet & animal photography sessions.

Studio space also available for rent for shoots or events, inquire today!



Want to work together? Have a question?

Get in touch today!

Whether you’d like to schedule a pet photography session, license my photos, buy a copy of my book or just say hi, I’d love to hear from you!